National Philanthropy Day: Because Giving is Also Receiving

Giving to a Cause You Care About Makes You Happy

Not only does it boost your self-esteem and confidence (and come with tax benefits), but a study conducted by a team of neurobiologists shows that making a donation activates areas of your brain that release endorphins.

So why hold back?

Beyond helping us feel good and express our values, supporting a cause directly addresses the social issues that affect us. Education, peace, gender and minority equality, health, the environment… Every choice is a good one!

Unlike most health foundations, which focus solely on a specific hospital or illness, the Fondation Santé Urbaine has chosen to be present throughout the entire continuum of care—whether in CLSCs, hospitals, or CHSLDs. Recreational activities in CHSLDs, the expansion of the pediatric clinic at Notre-Dame Hospital, the purchase of advanced equipment for the expansion and modernization of Verdun Hospital, the Population Assistance Fund for patients who cannot afford essential medications or health equipment, the Bien dans mes baskets program to reach at-risk youth before it’s too late… That’s us!

Et vous savez quoi? Ça peut aussi être vous! Il y a tant de façons de soutenir votre fondation :

  • And you know what? It can be you too! There are so many ways to support your foundation:
  • You can make a direct donation to the foundation of your choice.
  • You can participate in events related to the cause that moves you (like our Grand Encan des Gardes du Cœur).
  • Can’t make a donation? Did you know that simply spreading the word or sharing posts on social media helps your foundation gain visibility?

Especially in this season of generosity and solidarity, you can make an impact. One small action at a time. Because every gesture counts. When we add them all together, that’s how we change the world!

By Valérie Duchesne-Carle, Fondation Santé Urbaine executive director