

To improve the mental and physical health of those living in the Centre-Sud of Montréal throughout their trajectory of care, from birth to end of life, through small acts of kindness, innovative projects, and the purchase of medical equipment. 

Your donations create solutions to urban health issues and respond to the urgent and priority needs of the Centre-Sud of Montréal population.

Map of establishments


The Fondation Santé Urbaine was created when Fondation de l’Hôpital de Verdun and Fondation santé et mieux-être Jeanne-Mance, two organizations with close to 40 years or experience supporting residents of the Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, came together under one banner. This merger enables the foundation to help a larger community dealing with the same Urban Health challenges: delivery of community care, an aging population, youth clientele, increasing costs, etc.

Ensemble pour le mieux-être des patients du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Legal Information

Fondation Santé Urbaine’s legal name:

Charitable registration number:
11892 3291 RR001

1560 RUE SHERBROOKE Est, Local 1123F
Montréal, QC H2L4M1

Phone number: 5147657302

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