Two hospitals walls dressed in the Foundation’s colors

We are delighted to unveil two visibility walls installed at Verdun Hospital and Notre-Dame Hospital, the two hospitals we regularly support.

Walls that reflect our colors

These walls illustrate our commitment to providing compassionate and attentive care for everyone. They highlight our support for human-centered actions, innovative programs, and high-performance medical equipment for our hospitals, CLSCs, and CHSLDs.

In addition to adding a touch of color and warmth to these essential healthcare spaces, these walls aim to inform and inspire hospital staff, patients, and their loved ones.

Where can you find them?

If you’re visiting our hospitals, take a moment to admire these new walls:
– At Verdun Hospital: near the cafeteria,
– At Notre-Dame Hospital: near room F-1123, which also houses the Foundation’s office!

A team effort

These walls were made possible thanks to the collaboration of the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal teams, whom we warmly thank. Their support was essential in highlighting the Foundation’s impact and bringing this initiative to life.

We hope you enjoy these new walls, and we thank you for helping make our hospitals even more human, accessible, and welcoming spaces.