Our Pillars

What is Urban Health?

Did you know? By 2050, 7 out of 10 people will be living in cities. And there is no such thing as Urban Health without community care. Whether they’re living in the city by necessity or by choice, the men, women and children of the Centre-Sud-de-l’Île de Montréal live side by side and share the same space—a community that is full of social and cultural diversity. The Fondation Santé Urbaine plays an essential role in improving the health of all local residents, with both the individual and the collective well-being in mind.

In 2020, the importance of this role was brought to the forefront when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Montreal quickly became the epicenter of the virus, and the Foundation was able to mobilize our community of donors and partners to help the CIUSSS Centre-Sud respond to its urgent emergency needs. To learn more about how your donations helped click here.

Innovation in Mental Health Care Services

Changing how patients experiencing a mental health crisis are cared for in Montréal:

  • Providing care and services to mental health patients in the comfort of their own homes, a first in North America
  • Meeting simple yet essential needs, for example by distributing fans to patients who have difficulty regulating their body temperature due to their prescribed medications

Humanizing Health Care for Patients

Improving care comfort and accessibility in an environment tailored to the needs of patients and their families.

  • Renovated rooms in palliative care
  • Massages for oncology patients
  • Kinesiology service for patients undergoing hemodialysis

Caring for Our Seniors in Long-Term Care Facilities

Updating living spaces and encouraging resident engagement in leisure activities at long-term care homes (CHSLDs).

  • Renovated living spaces
  • Activities and outings for residents
  • Small acts of kindness to add a bit of joy to residents’ lives (going to a restaurant, redecorating their room, going to a show) 

Our Children, Our Future

Promoting social integration, reducing school dropout rates and encouraging healthy habits for youth in difficulty:

  • “Bien dans mes baskets” program
  • Boxing for School program
  • Health resources on preventing youth obesity
  • Summer camps for youth in difficulty
  • Assistance for pregnant women in need

Urban Health

Addressing health challenges associated with urban issues in our area:

  • Helping homeless populations in creative ways, such as through art therapy
  • Giving out starter kits to help patients with a history of homelessness get set up in an apartment

Recognizing our 18,000 guardian angels

In 2020, Fondation Santé Urbaine is committed to finding fair and meaningful ways to recognize the dedication of the over 18,000 CIUSSS Centre-Sud employees demonstrated in the COVID-19 crisis.

  • Covering the cost of hotel rooms for employees infected with the virus, or with family members at home at risk of infection
  • Helping improve employee mental health and team morale through the platform Escouade des Anges Gardiens (coming soon!)
Ensemble pour le mieux-être des patients du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Legal Information

Fondation Santé Urbaine’s legal name:

Charitable registration number:
11892 3291 RR001

1560 RUE SHERBROOKE Est, Local 1123F
Montréal, QC H2L4M1

Phone number: 5147657302

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