Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Do you support the Fondation’s mission of making a positive impact on patients, youth and seniors? Do you want to help ensure high-quality care at Verdun General Hospital, Notre Dame Hospital and our CHSLDs and CLSCs? Planned giving is an excellent way to make a difference for those you care about.

With planned donations, there are many ways to give back, all with the same goal: planting today what will be harvested tomorrow. Options include legacy gifts, life annuities, life insurance policies, shares, and gift annuities.

Planned giving reflects your philanthropic goals while taking into account your personal, family and tax considerations.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be rich to make a planned donation?

No. Anyone can make a donation, however modest, during their lifetime or in their estate.

Who can help me plan a donation?

Your notary, lawyer, accountant or insurance broker can help you and explain the tax benefits of planned giving.

Is a planned donation an investment?

Yes and no. Part of the amount must be a donation. The tax benefits associated with the donation also make it an investment.

Do I need to express my intention to give to the Foundation in my will?

To guarantee that the Fondation receives your donation, you must express your intention to give in your will. Without a will, you have no control over how your property is handled after your death.

Did you know? You can donate a life insurance policy!


• Make a large donation with a modest outlay
• Advantageous for younger donors with lower life insurance premiums
• No administration fees and no tax on capital upon death

Talk to your broker today!


Fondation Santé Urbaine’s legal name:

Charitable registration number:
11892 3291 RR001

4000 boul. LaSalle, local 5101
Montréal, QC H4G 2A3

Sample wording for a residual gift in your will:
“I give to Fondation Santé Urbaine currently of 4000 boul. LaSalle, local 5101 Montréal, QC H4G 2A3 , all (or __ %) of the residue of my estate, to be used at the discretion of the organization.”

Ensemble pour le mieux-être des patients du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Legal Information

Fondation Santé Urbaine’s legal name:

Charitable registration number:
11892 3291 RR001

1560 RUE SHERBROOKE Est, Local 1123F
Montréal, QC H2L4M1

Phone number: 5147657302

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